
Giving you the care you deserve

The level of care you will receive from us will depend on your condition. Determining it will allow us to deliver our services appropriately and according to your needs. Get to know them below:

Level 1: Routine Home Care
This level of care is for patients with declining health due to disease progression but whose symptoms are under control. This level of care can be rendered to wherever the patient considers home. It can be a private residence or a facility such as a skilled nursing facility, a board-and-care facility, and an assisted living home.

Level 2: Continuous Care
This level of care is provided to patients who are experiencing a medical crisis or active symptoms. These patients no longer respond to medical interventions and need close nursing care for 8 to 24 hours daily until their conditions have improved.

Level 3: Inpatient Care
When a patient is experiencing a medical crisis or an active symptom that is difficult to manage in a home setting, a GIP level of care can be offered and the patient will be transferred to the hospice-contracted skilled nursing facility for a short period to aggressively manage the patient’s symptoms. Once the patient is comfortable, they will return home under the routine level of care.

Level 4: Respite Care
This level of care is available to family members and caregivers providing care and relief to patients. Patients are placed in a hospice-contracted skilled nursing facility for up to 5 days.

Keep in Touch
You can always contact us if you need more information about our services.